Moody Law

Medical Malpractice Lawsuit for Failure to Order Anticoagulants After Surgery

Sep 10, 2014 @ 11:09 AM — by Moody Law | Personal Injury Attorneys
Tagged with: Florida Medical Malpractice

Lake Wales Medical Center is currently being sued over a patient's death after surgery and an alleged failure to administer anticoagulants.  Kenneth Steadman died from complications of a pulmonary embolism, a condition in which a blood clot creates a deadly blockage.  Steadman had surgery for a fractured hip after he fell and broke it.  Dr. Reddy performed the surgery and is reported to have given Lovenox, a blood thinnner (anticoagulant) two days after the procedure.  The lawsuit claims that the record indicates that Lovenox was needed for the next 10 days.  Dr. Oropeza thereafter signed an order that specified the medications to be continued upon discharge but Lovenox was not one of them.  Steadman was never given Lovenox by home health care nurses and he was re-admitted to Lake Wales Medical Center with a large bilateral pulmonary embolus.  Despite the administration of heparin, Steadman went into cardiac arrest as a result of an embolus and died.  The plaintiffs for Steadman claim that Dr. Reddy failed to follow procedure in discharging the patient after surgery.  Blood thinners are standard of care to administer following most invasive surgeries because the incision or something that was operated on may bleed and cause a clot to form as is part of the body's natural healing response.  Patients are also usually advised to maintain some degree of physical activity following most surgeries in order to prevent clots from forming.  Clots can form due to inactivity as it can cause a lack of blood flow.  If a clot has formed, it can be a fatal condition if not treated timely and appropriately.  If a clot moves to the heart or lungs, that clot can effectively stop the heart or lungs from functioning and cause death.  If you or a loved one has a concern about the medical treatment that you or a family member has received, please contact a Florida medical malpractice lawyer for a free consultation.