Moody Law

Seeking Damages for Delivery Truck Accidents

Aug 24, 2020 @ 08:29 PM — by Moody Law | Personal Injury Attorneys
Tagged with: Truck Accident Lawyer

Delivery trucks are an essential part of everyday life, especially with so many people relying on home deliveries for their online orders. Unfortunately, an increase in delivery trucks on the road also means there's a greater chance of being involved in a serious accident with a delivery truck.

A truck accident lawyer will fight for you if you've been injured in an accident with a delivery truck. At Moody Law, our attorneys help victims of delivery truck accidents in and around Lakeland, FL, get the compensation they deserve for their injuries and other damages. 

The Dangers of Delivery Truck Accidents

Delivery trucks are larger than most passenger vehicles and may carry large loads. These are two factors that can make accidents with delivery trucks very dangerous when smaller vehicles, pedestrians, or bicyclists are involved. 

Delivery trucks also make frequent stops and drivers may feel pressured to drive quickly to meet the demands of their delivery schedule. This can cause accidents to happen at high speeds, further increasing the risk of severe injuries. 

Combine the large size of delivery trucks with high speeds and it can be very difficult for these trucks to quickly stop or maneuver in order to avoid an accident. 

Common Causes of Accidents

Delivery truck accidents in and around Lakeland have many possible causes. Delivery driver negligence can cause serious accidents and leave victims with permanent injuries. Some of the most common causes of delivery truck accidents include: 

Seeking Damages for Injuries

When someone, whether the driver of another vehicle, a passenger, a pedestrian, or a bicyclist, is injured in an accident caused by the negligence of a delivery truck driver, it may be possible to hold the driver and/or their employer liable for damages. 

There are certain circumstances that must be met when seeking damages from an employer or the owner of a delivery truck service when one of their drivers causes an accident. Primarily, the accident needed to have occurred while the driver was making deliveries or otherwise acting within the scope of their employment. 

If the accident resulted from a defect in some part of the delivery truck, the manufacturer of the defective product may be held liable as well.

Schedule a Consultation with the Attorneys of Moody Law

If you have suffered injuries in an accident with a delivery truck, trust our team to fight for you. The Lakeland attorneys of Moody Law can represent you and your interests in negotiating a fair settlement with insurance companies or through a lawsuit. To learn more about the best options for your situation, please call Moody Law in Lakeland at (863) 284-9090 or schedule a consultation online today