Moody Law

Jackknife Truck Accidents

Dec 1, 2022 @ 08:02 PM — by Moody Law | Personal Injury Attorneys
Tagged with: Jackknife Truck Accidents

Semi-trucks are highly susceptible to jackknife truck accidents because of the way they are built and the way weight is distributed. Jackknife truck accidents can cause devastating damages for all involved vehicles. Passengers of personal trucks and cars are especially vulnerable to injuries because their vehicles weigh so much less than commercial trucks.

Individuals injured in jackknife truck accidents may be due substantial financial compensation for accident damages. Truck accident lawyers from Moody Law work with accident victims in the LakelandFL, and Winter Haven, FL, area to pursue appropriate compensation for injury losses. 

What Is a Jackknife Truck Accident?

A jackknife truck accident refers to collisions that cause a semi-truck to fold in on itself, so that the cab and trailer of the truck come together to form a 90 degree angle. This can happen when the trailer of the truck swings forward in an accident, or when the cab of the truck is pushed around so that it faces backwards.

What Causes Jackknife Truck Accidents?

A jackknife truck accident most commonly occurs when the front of the truck skids or begins to break, and the trailer of the truck fails to slow down or stop. The momentum of the trailer pushes the cab of the truck to one side and can cause the trailer to swing forward so that they fold in on one another. A jackknife accident may be the result of a number of different factors, including:

Accident Liability

Liability for a jackknife truck accident is dependent on the circumstances surrounding the crash. However, neglect nearly always plays a role in these collisions. Lawyers at our Lakeland law firm work alongside accident investigators to determine crash causation so that liable parties can be held accountable for accident damages. Depending on who or what is found to be the primary cause of the accident, liability may fall on:

Jackknife Truck Accident Damages

Jackknife truck accidents tend to cause catastrophic injuries and damages, because they often involve vehicles that weigh significantly less than the semi-truck. Semi-trucks are extremely heavy, so they create an enormous impact in a crash, and smaller vehicles take the brunt of that force. Depending on the type of losses suffered in a jackknife truck accident, injury victims may be able to pursue compensation for damages such as:

Contact Moody Law

When pursuing compensation for jackknife truck accident damages, it is beneficial to have a knowledgeable truck accident lawyer on your side. To learn how the truck accident lawyers from Moody Law can be of assistance to you, send us a message online, or call (863) 284-9090 and request a legal consultation.