Moody Law

I Got Hit in a Parking Lot: What Should I Do?

May 1, 2023 @ 10:43 AM — by Moody Law | Personal Injury Attorneys
Tagged with: Parking Lot Injury

According to the National Safety Council, one in five car accidents occur in parking lots. These car accidents have the potential to cause serious injuries and property damage, making it important that victims seek legal counsel to help them with their case. If you have been in a car accident in Winter Haven, Lakeland, TampaFL, or a surrounding area, the attorneys at Moody Law can provide you with reliable legal guidance. In this blog post, we discuss parking lot injuries and how to know if you have a lawsuit.

Types of Parking Lot Accidents

There are many types of accidents that occur in parking lots and garages, including:

Causes of Parking Lot Accidents

The National Safety Council has found that as many as two-thirds of drivers may be distracted in parking lots. Cell phone use, entering GPS information, adjusting music, texting, checking social media, checking emails, and taking photos are all forms of distraction that put fault on the driver. Driver distraction, in addition to speeding, driving the wrong way, and other driving violations, all contribute to driver errors and fault in the accident.

Types of Parking Lot Injuries

While most parking lot injuries are minor, there are cases in which serious property or catastrophic injuries occur.

At a minimum, parking lot accidents cause property damage, which could range from body damage like scratches or damaging the frame of the car, causing it to be totaled.

In addition, victims may suffer whiplash, broken or fractured bones, lacerations, brain injury, neck injury, spinal cord injury, or even death if the accident was severe.

Contact Moody Law

If you are having difficulty getting your or the other driver’s insurance company to offer a reasonable settlement, or you or a loved one has suffered catastrophic injuries, contact the attorneys at Moody Law in the Tampa area today.