Moody Law

Who Is Liable for Motorcycle Accidents on Poorly Maintained Roads?

Sep 1, 2023 @ 09:27 AM — by Moody Law | Personal Injury Attorneys
Tagged with: Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents tend to be some of the most damaging types of collisions. Motorcyclists frequently suffer catastrophic injuries when involved in a crash because they lack a protective shield to minimize damages. Many Lakeland motorcycle accidents result from driver error or neglect, but poor road conditions also cause many motorcycle crashes.

The motorcycle accident lawyers at Moody Law, P.A., frequently hear from crash victims who want to know who is liable for motorcycle accidents on poorly maintained roads. Our lawyers and accident investigators examine the details of a crash to determine liability so our Lakeland, FL, Winter Haven, FL, and Tampa, FL, clients can sue responsible parties for collision damages.

How Can Poor Road Maintenance Cause a Motorcycle Accident?

Motorcycles balance on two wheels, which makes them more difficult to control than most other vehicles on the road. Even minor defects can throw a motorcycle off balance or cause a motorcyclist to lose control of their bike. Similarly, poorly maintained roads can cause drivers of 4-wheel automobiles to lose control and may lead to collisions with surrounding vehicles, including motorcycles.

Defects on poorly maintained roads that have the potential to cause a motorcycle accident include:

Who Is Responsible for Road Maintenance?

When a road defect or other type of poor road maintenance causes a motorcycle accident, our lawyers work on behalf of our clients to determine who is responsible for road maintenance where the crash occurred. Depending on the location of the collision, the parties responsible for road maintenance may include the city, county, or state.

Can I Sue a Government Entity for Motorcycle Accident Damages?

A government entity can be sued for motorcycle damages, but the plaintiff must be able to demonstrate a few essential factors. To prove liability for a motorcycle crash involving poor road maintenance, the plaintiff must establish that:

What Type of Damages Am I Due?

Motorcycle accident victims have the right to pursue compensation for all economic and non-economic damages related to a crash. Depending on a person’s losses, they may be able to sue for damages such as:

Contact Us

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident that you believe was caused by poor road maintenance, the lawyers at Moody Law, P.A., can work to collect evidence that proves liability for the collision and resulting losses. To discuss your case with our legal team, contact our law firm and request a consultation at your earliest convenience.