Moody Law

Log Truck Accidents

Aug 20, 2021 @ 12:08 AM — by Moody Law | Personal Injury Attorneys
Tagged with: Log Truck Accidents

Commercial trucks regularly travel the roads carrying cargo from one location to another. Commercial trucks are significantly larger and heavier than passenger vehicles, making them a huge threat in the event of an accident. Log trucks are not as common as other types of commercial trucks, but they can be responsible for devastating accidents.

Trucking accident attorney Daniel D. Moody has represented many victims of log truck accidents. He understands the causes of log truck crashes and the extensive damages they can cause. Daniel D. Moody establishes accident liability for his Lakeland, FL, and Winter Haven, FL, clients, so that they can pursue the compensation they are due for accident losses.. 

Types of Log Truck Accidents

There are various types of automobile accidents that occur, including rear end collisions, T-bone crashes, and head-on accidents. Log trucks can be involved in any of these types of crashes, but there are additional accidents that are more likely among commercial trucks. The weight, height, length, and function of log trucks put them at an increased risk for these types of accidents:

Causes of Log Truck Accidents

Log truck accidents can be caused by a wide range of factors, but most of them fall under one of three categories: driver error, neglectful trucking practices, or mechanical errors.

Log Truck Accident Damages

Because of how heavy and large they are, the impact of a log truck accident is greater than that of an accident between two passenger vehicles. These types of accidents not only cause substantial property damage, but they are likely to result in catastrophic or fatal injuries, which can lead to further losses such as medical expenses, lost wages, diminished wage earning capacity, and pain and suffering.

Liability for Accident Damages

Determining liability for log truck accidents is complex, because there are several different parties who may be at least partially responsible for the crash. Daniel D. Moody and his team use evidence to recreate the details of the collision so that they can go after liable parties on behalf of their Lakeland clients. Depending on what caused the accident, fault may be assigned to:

Contact Daniel D. Moody

If you are suffering the physical, emotional, and financial damages of a commercial truck accident, attorney Daniel D. Moody can help you hold liable parties accountable for accident losses. We invite you to send us a message online or call (863) 284-9090 to schedule a personal consultation at your earliest convenience.