A Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer at Moody Law Can Fight For Your Rights
A spinal cord injury can easily cause permanent, irreparable damage that requires a victim to receive a lifetime of assistance. When a spinal cord injury is caused by the negligence of another party, victims and their families deserve full compensation.
If you or someone you love has suffered a catastrophic back injury, an experienced spinal cord injury lawyer at Moody Law serving Central Florida and Polk County, including Lakeland, Bartow, Winter Haven, and Haines City, can provide aggressive legal representation on your behalf. To schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys, please contact our law firm today.
The Serious Nature of Spinal Cord Injuries
Depending upon the extent of damage sustained, spinal cord injuries can have varying symptoms that may or may not prove permanent. Some spinal trauma causes nerve damage that is temporary and eventually resolves fully. However, most victims will unfortunately suffer long-term, debilitating symptoms. The most serious spinal cord injuries result in paraplegia (loss of sensation and mobility in the lower half of the body) or quadriplegia, which is paralysis that extends from the neck down.
Virtually any type of spinal cord injury will require extensive medical treatment and may result in loss of productivity to some degree. Some victims require domestic assistance, advanced medical equipment, and even extensive home remodeling or a move to a new location. In many cases, the injury causes significant financial hardship for the victim and his or her family as the ability to earn income is lost or permanently altered.
Common Spinal Cord Injuries
The symptoms of a spinal cord injury depend upon many factors, including whether the front, back or center of the spine is impacted. The most common type of spinal cord injury is a spinal contusion, in which the victim suffers a loss of sensory and motor function. Fortunately, most patients who experience a spinal contusion will make a full recovery.
If a spinal cord injury can be attributed to a negligent act [...] our personal injury attorneys will provide aggressive representation to help ensure that the at-fault party or parties are held responsible.
More significant types of spinal cord injuries will have varying symptoms and prognoses, but all are extremely serious in nature. In general, most spinal cord injury cases involve:
- Anterior Cord Syndrome: Caused by damage to the front of the spinal cord, Anterior Cord Syndrome results in impaired temperature, touch, and pain sensations below the point of the injury. With this type of spinal cord injury, some degree of movement may be recovered.
- Posterior Cord Syndrome: Caused by damage to the back of the spinal cord, this type of spinal cord injury does not impair sensation or strength, but it does negatively impact coordination.
- Brown-Sequard Syndrome: Caused by damage to one side of the spinal cord, Brown-Sequard Syndrome results in impaired movement and sensation affecting each side of the body differently.
- Central Cord Syndrome: Caused by damage to the center of the spinal cord, Central Cord Syndrome results in loss of function in the arms and hands while the ability to move the legs remains. Some recovery is possible with this type of spinal cord injury.
- Cauda Equina Lesion: Caused by an injury to the nerves located between the first and second lumbar region of the spine, this type of spinal cord injury can result in partial or complete loss of sensation. In some cases of Cauda Equina Lesion, damaged nerves will eventually regrow and function may be recovered.
Types of Paralysis
The severity of spinal cord injuries can vary, depending on where the damage occurs. Your spine protects a long bundle of nerves. These nerves send signals across your body. Often, spinal cord injuries will cause the nerves to no longer send the proper signals for muscle and body control. If your spinal cord injury was only partial, you may have limited movement or sensation in the affected areas.
If damage occurs lower on your spinal cord, you may suffer from paraplegia. This type of paralysis affects your legs and, in some cases, part of your torso. However, you will still typically be able to move your arms and hands. If you only have partial paralysis, you may be able to walk short distances, usually with the aid of braces or crutches. On the other hand, if paralysis affects your abdominal muscles, you may not be able to sit up without assistance. Victims suffering from paraplegia will often require a great deal of physical and occupational therapy to regain limited movement and physical abilities.
If your spine is injured at a higher point in your body, it may cause quadriplegia, also known as tetraplegia. With this condition, you will not be able to move either your arms or your legs. Again, paralysis may be full or partial. Therefore, you could retain limited movement or function. In severe cases, you may lose control of your respiratory system as well, and may develop muscle spasms. In cases of quadriplegia, you will require ongoing care, either by a loved one or a medical professional. This dependence can significantly increase medical costs while decreasing the earning capacity and income for you and your loved ones.
Some Spinal Cord Injuries Are Fatal
In some cases, spinal cord injuries can lead to the tragic passing of a loved one. These severe situations usually occur when injuries occur in the vertebrae located at the very top of the neck. In these cases, victims are not able to breathe properly, and may also sustain neurological damage. These high-neck injuries are rarer, but are most likely to occur because of motor vehicle accidents and falls that involve a blow to the head.
The Most Common Causes
Studies have found that spinal cord injuries are most commonly caused by:
- Motor Vehicle Accidents: Car, motorcycle, truck, and pedestrian accidents account for nearly 40 percent of spinal cord injuries. Furthermore, DUI drivers are frequently found to be the catalyst for serious accidents that result in a catastrophic back injury.
- Falls: Accounting for roughly one-third of spinal cord injuries, falls are the most common cause for victims over the age of 65. Slick walkways and other safety hazards can often lead to a slip or trip, and the impact of the fall can seriously injure the victim's neck or back. In these cases, property owners and managers can be held liable for maintaining an unsafe premises.
- Acts of Violence: Gunshot wounds, knife attacks, and other types of violent encounters cause 14 percent of spinal cord injuries.
- Sports and Recreation Injuries: About nine percent of spinal injuries occur during athletic activities, and most of these involve contact sports or recreational activities such as diving into shallow water or skiing.
- Disease: Diseases such as cancer, arthritis, and osteoporosis can sometimes affect the spine. However, when a misdiagnosis or surgical error causes spinal cord injury, health care professionals can be held liable for medical malpractice.
If the negligence of another party or parties was a contributing factor in the spinal cord injury of you or a loved one, we can provide expert representation and seek to hold the liable individuals and businesses responsible, no matter the cause.
In Florida, victims in spinal cord injury cases may be entitled to compensation for pain and suffering, loss of earning capacity, medical care, and more.
Our Attorneys Are Here to Help
No matter what type of spinal cord injury you or your loved one has suffered, we are ready to provide legal assistance. At Moody Law, we know that you are dealing with life-changing injuries, and you may feel overwhelmed. On top of that, you now have mounting bills to deal with. We provide a free consultation to review your case and help you understand your legal options. If we take your case, our attorneys can help you seek compensation to deal with the financial consequences of a spinal cord injury.
Moody Law will handle your case with compassion, avoiding further pain and grief as much as possible. At the same time, we will fight aggressively for your rights and ability to recover.
Spinal Cord Injuries
Spinal Cord Injury Cases
The skilled attorneys at Moody Law have a reputation for excellence in and out of the courtroom. Our firm has settled and litigated many high-profile personal injury cases, establishing an objective record of success that includes multi-million dollar recoveries. By consulting with medical experts and other professionals, we will seek to clearly demonstrate that your injury was the direct result of another party's negligent actions. We are skilled negotiators and aggressive litigators who remain dedicated to providing help for accident victims. As our client, you can be sure we will do everything possible to establish clear liability and fully demonstrate damages in your case.
By consulting with medical experts and other professionals, we will seek to clearly demonstrate that your injury was the direct result of another party's negligent actions.
Spinal cord injuries can often result in a lifetime of pain, immobility, and loss of function. Our attorneys understand that victims of these tragedies deserve justice, which may come in the form of a settlement or jury award from a personal injury lawsuit. In Florida, victims in spinal cord injury cases may be entitled to compensation for pain and suffering, loss of earning capacity, medical care, and more. If you have a wrongful death case, we can also help you obtain funds for funeral costs and dependents’ financial support. Our legal team will seek to obtain the maximum compensation. If it can be shown that the liable party acted with gross negligence or reckless disregard for the safety of others, you may also be entitled to punitive damages.

Schedule a Legal Consultation
The lawyers and staff members of Moody Law work diligently as a team to maximize the recovery for each individual client. If you or a member of your family has suffered a spinal cord injury, please get in touch with a member of our legal team today.