Lakeland Car Accident Results in Serious Injury
Joshua Lee Kling, 22, of Lakeland, Florida was seriously injured in a car accident on Monday night on South Florida Avenue in Lakeland, Florida. Lakeland police say that Kling attempted to turn his 1998 Honda Civic onto Oak Street from Florida Avenue when his car was struck by a 2003 Volkswagen Jetta driven by Elizabeth Lynn Estridge, 19. Kling was not wearing a seat belt according to police and was taken to Lakeland Regional Medical Center with life-threatening injuries. Kling's vehicle was struck on the passenger side. This accident is still under investigation. Estridge was reported to have been wearing a seatbelt and have minor injuries.
From the reports alone, we are not able to determine whether Mr. Kling turned directly in front of Ms. Estridge or whether Ms. Estridge was doing something (i.e. speeding or driving with no lights) that contributed as a factor to the accident. Notwithstanding, that area of Lakeland, Florida is generally well lit at night and speculation would have it that Kling simply turned in front of Estridge and Estridge would not have had the time or ability to avoid the impending collision. This type of mistake is common in young drivers and common with left turns. This appears to be a situation that all of the defensive driving would not have prevented because a driver has to be able to expect other drivers to obey the law. Based on the indications given in the reported news, it appears that Ms. Estridge would have a claim against Kling through his insurance company. In the event that Mr. Kling's insurance limits are inadequate to cover the damages, I would hope that Ms. Estridge has uninsured/underinsured motorist's coverage (UM) to pay for the extra damages. If not, Ms. Estridge may be left with only personal injury protection (PIP) and any health insurance that she has. If you or a loved one has suffered an injury in a car accident in the Lakeland, Florida area, please contact a personal injury attorney for a free evaluation of the merits of your case. Each case is different and the value of a depends on many circumstances. A consultation with a personal injury attorney is free.