Lakeland Construction Worker Killed by Hit and Run Pickup Driver By Moody Law | Personal Injury Attorneys on July 24, 2014

44-year-old Shelby Shull of Eustis, Florida died after being struck on South Florida Avenue in Lakeland, Florida.  Mr. Shull was struck at approximately 2:06 a.m. near the intersection with Easton Drive by a black or very dark colored pickup truck.  The pickup did not stop after the accident.  A witness is reported to have told police that he heard several thumping sounds.  The pickup was reported to have struck four barrels before hitting Shull and projecting his body approximately 80 feet.  Safety contractors stated that the barrels were approximately 25 feet apart.  Damage to the pickup is expected to be on the left front bumper.  The purpose of the construction was to add pedestrian islands to the middle of South Florida Avenue and the work was to be performed at night to minimize the effect on traffic.  If you have any information regarding this accident, you should contact the Lakeland Police Department.

Mr. Shull's family should be entitled to collect a worker's compensation death benefit in addition to a no-fault death benefit of $5,000 from an applicable automobile policy.  If the pickup driver is ever found, then that driver's liability coverage should cover this accident in addition to any uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage that applied to Mr. Shull.  If you or a loved one has a question about this accident or the way that insurance applies to it, you should contact a personal injury or wrongful death attorney in Lakeland to discuss your questions.  The facts and circumstances of every case are different and the rights and corresponding duties may be different.  The attorneys at Moody Law are available to answer any questions about lawsuits or insurance coverage that may apply as well as any practical advice about how to handle the devastating impact that an accident can have on the life of the person injured and their family. 

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